Shinjuku Washington Hotel - Tokyo - Japan -
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Shinjuku Washington Hotel
3-2-9 Nishi Shinjuku Shinjuku Ku Tokyo Japan
  • 客房
  • 飞机场
    - -
  • WiFi
  • 会议室
  • 公共交通
    - -
  • 最大的房间
    - -
  • 城市中心
    - -

Company guideline is {{companyCurrency}} {{hotelCutOffWarning}} per room per night. You may find rates above this guideline.


入住日期 {{requestModel.checkInDateString}}
离开日期 {{requestModel.checkOutDateString}}
停留 {{requestModel.stayNight}} - 夜间住宿
房型 价格 选择房间 选择
  • {{reportCurrencyStr}} {{item.PriceCultrueName}}
  • +{{item.Vat}}% 税*
房型 价格 选择房间
  • 膳食: {{getMealPlans(item)}}
  • 包括: {{getRoomDes(item)}}
  • 特价: {{getRoomSpecialRate(item)}}
Cancellation Policy
  • {{ cancellation }}
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Deadline: {{getcancelDeadlinesByRatePlanType(item)}}
Check in & out timings
  • Check-in time {{checkInTime}}
  • Check-out time {{checkOutTime}}
  • {{"EUR", "€")}}
  • incl.{{}} 税*
    • {{ rateComment }}
*上述房价包括所有已知的税费。 可能的额外税费和城市税将在最终发票上计算
呼叫 +31(0)356781183 在线预订以获得最优惠的价格和条件。 会场直接提案
Washington Hotel is one of the most famous hotel chains in Japan. Shinjuku Washington Hotel is located in Shinjuku, which is the main attraction in Tokyo. Shinjuku has many types of restaurants, shops, etc. We are sure that the guests can enjoy many things they would like to do there. Since opening, the hotel has been highly appreciated as a base for sight seeing and business visits by a great number of guests. The hotel facilities include 2 restaurants, 1 bar, 1 cafe, conference rooms and banquet rooms. All of the rooms have high speed internet access. The hotel provides




  • Independent


  • 最大的房间: 0 m20 ft2
会议室促销: 会议套餐促销: 描述: 内容 4小时套餐: 内容8小时套餐: 内容 12小时套餐: 抱歉,我们找不到这个场地。 请尝试名称的一部分。 抱歉,我们找不到这个场地。 请尝试名称的一部分。 Hotel day use rate Default rate Rate per hour per room Rate per day per room 请选择房间 费率尚未加载,当所有信息可见时,请点击“继续”。 请在搜索页面中选择 1 到 9 间客房,以便继续预订。 个人酒店预订 团体酒店预订 会议预订
抱歉,从 API 获取令牌时出错。 Meetingselect:只需在线预订、管理和跟踪您的会议。战略会议和活动管理专家。节省高达 25% Meetingselect:只需在线预订、管理和跟踪您的会议。战略会议和活动管理专家 OK Please login from your company login page or via SSO